Phillipsburg Catholic High School Alumni

Stories & Memories

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Christopher Ghignone
I would like to put a memorial on the page to an amazing human being who graduated from pchs in 1985. Christine Thun was loved by all her classmates and friends and for all those who knew her personally they will forever remember her smile. We all lost Christine in the spring of 1991 and still to this day alot of us remember her. It's not how she died I remember but how she lived, how she did live in our hearts.


John-Joseph Bober
Memories of PC and photo of Senior Year trip to Wildwood, NJ.

Sean McDonough
Read what Sean has been up to since graduation and some memories of PCHS.

Harvey Minchin
Memories & Photos:

Click here to e-mail me your memories, stories & photos.

Click here to return to the main alumni page.

This site was created by Harvey Minchin - Class of 1982
Site created on March 2, 1999.
Last updated on 9/23/09.