Catherine Helen Rose Minchin
Born August 9, 2004   5:24 PM
6 lbs.  4 oz.    19 Inches
Barbara Florence Marie Minchin
Born July 10, 2007   4:02 AM
6 lbs.  14 oz.    19 1/2 Inches


Click for Cate & Barbara from July through August 2007

Click for Barbara from Birth through a few weeks old.

Click for Cate from 13 months old through 18 months old

Click for Cate's 1st Birthday Parties

Click for Cate from 10 months old through the 1 year old.

Click for Cate from 7 months old through the 9 months old.

Click for Christmas 2004 at the Minchin house and with friends and relatives Cate's first Christmas

Click for Cate from 4 months old through 6 months old.

Click for Cate's Christening
and the party afterwards.

Click for Cate from Birth
through 3 months old. 

Click here for Cate's dad's home page.

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This site was created by Harvey Minchin - ©2004
Last updated on January 30, 2008